Questions / Answers

Swamiji in one of His trips answering
the premis ´s doubt

Continuously we all have doubts, questions that we do to ourselves daily, we do not know the why of the things etc.

The idea of this section in the website, is to be publishing the wise answers that Swamiji gives us to your questions. If you want to take part you can write to us, your question at, Swamiji will answer you in this section of the website:
Swamiji in one of His trips answering the premis´s doubts

MELA CAMP, BALI, INDONESIA, 2004, by Satguru Swami Bhagat Prakash

      Please Satguru ji Maharaj can you explain us the meaning of the following verse?


      These verses sing the praises of our mentor Satguru Teoonram ji Maharaj:

"NISHOKMANAM GATA RAG DWESHAM" means he who is far from sorrow is Nishokmanam and “ rag dwesh” who is away from love and hatred towards any one for the enlightened souls block these thoughts.
"GAT RAG DWESHAM GYAAN EK SURYAM" means they are the light of knowledge, just as the sun shines and gives light, likewise Our Master gives us the light of knowledge which erases the darkness of ignorance.
"JAG DEK VANDYAM" means he, who the whole world worships.
"ADYATMA LINAM" means he identified and steady in his soul.
"ADIYAT MALIN" means he who looses himself completely in the soul.
"ADYATMA LINAM VIN VIRT KAMAN NIVRIT" means he who becomes free from his desires, and whose minds wishes are no more.
"ADYATMA LINAM VIN VIRT KAMAM SHREE TEOONRAMAM SHARANAM PRAPADIYA". I will surrender myself to the Master who will fear me across this ocean of fear. The next verse is "SARVANAN PRADATAARAM" , he who is able to give every sort of bliss and with whose merce this happiness increases.
"SARVANAND VIKAASKAM" vikaas means that which increases.
"SARVANANDAA BHI AVTARAAM CHA" means who is able to mantain this bliss for ever this is the power of the enlightened souls.
"SARVANAND NAMAMYAM" to such as spiritual Master, I will always pay my obeiscienses.

      How to attain peace of mind within ourselves or with our family?

      All these means are made to attain peace of mind Satsangs (spiritual discourses) are made to clean our minds and attain peace, until we have attained soul realization we will never attain peace we will achieve temporary peace.

      Till we are in the satsang we will feel peacefull but as we come back to the wordly affairs we will feel restless, but he who has realized his own self and has achieved soul realization will gain peace for ever, these are all the means for it.Its a very long way, but with the Master’s grace, and One’s will power, a human bein can attain peace.If one is able to attain peace the the whole world will be at peace. Our household will also be at peace, for example if the sun’s rays are very strong, he will carry an umbrella, this means the umbrella is over my head and the relief I feel with those eyes I will be able to see the world. He whose mind is in communion with “the word” (Naam) he is at peace and all those who are around him will feel the peacefulness.This means that by chanting “the word” (Naam) one can attain peace.

      Whenever we sit for meditation we come across hinderances, Please show us a way?

      Whenever we sit for meditation, all the wordly bondages and problems come along, because most of our time is spent in the world and its problems, it is imposible that our mind reaches a stage of quiteness if the mind is drenched with wordly matters for this we need a discipline and that will be slowly “Karat karat abhyaas ke jar mati ho siyaag” The master says, don’t pay attention to the mind you must give your time and your mind will become stable, it will take time, just as a garment if its very dirty it will definately take more time to wash it and make it clean it will be a tuff job. Like wise the more our mind is involved attached in the world, the more time it will take to detach this from the world for this we must have patience and dedicate our daily time to meditation then we will definately attain peace.

      What is Liberation (moksha) Is it that we can only attain liberation from Satsang (spiritual discourses)?

      The meaning of moksha is liberation. Liberation from the cycle of birth and death, the masters have defined the cycle of birth and death as the major bondaje in this world, we can only achieve knowledge through satsang, “Satsang se satguru mile satguru se nij gyan Kahe Teoon nij gyan se milhai pad nirbaan” Our mentor Guru Maharaj gave us the answer in this verse the step of satsang, above this is the step how to attain the perfect master after which is the achievement of knowlege after which come the liberation from the bondages. Satsang is the way from where all this is achieved and also from where a human being can advance further on this path and reach realization.

      You said yesterday hell and heaven is after death? But I believe it is not , you can clear this ...

      Our Holy scriptures, tell us about the existance of one heave and hell is within the earth, whatever happiness comes in our way is heaven, and whatever sorrow come is hell, the person who chooses the wrong path and becomes restless by going towards “tamo gun” to perify him God made Hell, Hell is made by the Lord’s grace, just as we put gold in the fire to perify it, all the bad metal is burnt and the remainder is pure and clean gold, likewise the way to Hell refrains the Human Being from commoting sinful actions, therefore hell and heaven is there, according to the scriptures Hell & Heaven exist further on Brahm Lok and the 14 lokas which are mentioned from which Sat Loka is beaneth the earth which is called paataal Loka, and the eight Loka is above this we can find 6 other Lokas till brahm loka. All this forms part of God’s creation and whatever is written about this cannot be seen, but this doesnt mean they do not exist.

      Satguru Swami Shanti Prakash ji Maharaj narrated a story of a lady who passed away and the God of death came to fetch her and on the way she suffered a lot, she felt the heat of the sun and she felt thirsty but could not get a drink of water she asked the God of death for me some water and complain about all the tiredness she felt, the God of Death told the lady that she had never give a drink of water in her life, you have never done any good deed for anyone therefore you are not destined to get any water and they reach at the court of the Lord, who seeing her said you have brought this lady but she still has to live this is a mistake. You will have to take her back when this lady’s relative were making preparations for the cremation, the earthly body came to live. Her name was “Bhaavan maa”, she narrated all what she went through , which matched with, what the scriptures say, after this day her life changed whatever happens to the human being after his death is clearly written in the scriptures, this is never false. Heaven and hell continues after this life and also exists in the present life, he who commits good deeds, gets heaven in this life and in the next one also, he is worthy of bliss in this life and the next one.

      Is God and the almighty seperate entities or is their union, the same.

      God , the Almighty, they are different words but the essence of this is one, the formless has inmurable names “EKAM SAT VITRA BAVUDHA BADHAN” there is a temple of lord veda, it is only one, but has countless names. Just as gold is one but from this you can have a necklace made or a bangle, a nosering, but it is all made from one same God , in the same way the Lord is one, but his names are countless.

      How can we reach the Lord?

     The way to reach to the Lord, is showed by the spiritual Masters, they will tell you, that you will find the Lord within you, and never outside. Marg ki nabhi hai kasturi, apne se vah jaanat duri The most important qualities are ,VIVEK, is the ability of knowing the difference between the truth and the false and VAIRAGYA, is the ability of being free from the wordly desires, these are the most important points, after which comes all the rest, whoever listens, ponders, and tries to act upon the words and teachings , of satsang and diverts his interest in the words of the Master and thinks the world to be entire, he tries to remain afar from the world when the person reaches this stage, then the way to meet the Lords starts becoming clear.

      Which mantar we should always chant our which has more value Satnam Sakhi or our Guru Mantar?.

      All the enlightened souls say that as we get up or sit, as we sleep or awake, we must repeat satnam sakhi, or the word with which we have been intiated by the master, must be repeated as we sit or we get up. There is a Guru mantar (word given by the master ) and the other one is the Pranam mantar, which we convey when we meet a satsangee, this moment, we must use , Satnam sakhi mantar , and the other one given by the master.In the morning ,Satguru Maharaj said we must take a portrait of our mentor, keeping it infront of we must practice concentration and meditate on the word given by the Master, this must be done during the mornings and evenings.If we are unable to do it in the evening we may do it in the evenings therefore at night before going to sleep we must practise meditation, the word given by the master should be internaly repeated inceasently, satnam sakhi should be conveyed as we meet one another, and as we sit during satsang we must sing Satnam sakhi , all the mantars belong and praise the Lord but “the word” given by the Master is more valuable, and we must meditate on the Guru Mantar.

BOROBUDUR, INDONESIA, 2006, by Satguru Swami Bhagat Prakash

       Are the Ramayan and Mahabarat true?

        The vedas and puranas, the holy scriptures do not lie. This universe is endless and our mind does not have the power or capacity to assimilate such a lot of things. As, if we take a small ant and tell her where India is, where America is and that  China is a such a big country, these details will not fit in the brain of an ant. In the same way our intellect is very small, the mind is tiny and the universe is inmense.

       Kaakbhushand says that Ram took birth 27 times and I witnessed all the births. So these stories are not lies. No matter those times have passed away, but the  history written in the holy scriptures is not false. If we think with  our intelligence we will understan the truth of the scriptures.

       Believe in spiritual masters and saints, but is it necessary to be intiated by a spiritual master?

       If you desire eternal happiness so and take shelter at the lotus feet of a spiritual master. When your mind becomes steady and your mind sets aside worldly pleasures and  when in our mind awakes the longing to meet God, then without looking at others without listening to other, when in your mind desires to meet God awakens, then go and seek the shelter of a spiritual master and ask him to bless you with the sacred name (naam)

24 JULY 2008, CEUTA, SPAIN, interview to Satguru Swami Bhagat Prakash

        Procedente de la región india de Jaipur y rodeado del espíritu que envuelve a los maestros espirituales, Bhagat Prakash, Swami o máximo líder de la orden Teunram, ofició ayer la ceremonia que alabó a las deidades del templo hindú y cantó orando extractos del Bhagvad Gita, el libro sagrado hindú. Identificó a los sindhis como "la civilización más antigua" y se refirió al hinduismo como "el tronco de un árbol con varias ramas entre las que se encuentra la orden Teunram".

        ¿Cuál es el motivo de su visita a la ciudad?

        Venimos a explicar a la comunidad hindú de Ceuta como es nuestra vida y cómo debemos llevarla a cabo así como nuestro culto religioso. Los que queremos a los santos queremos estar cada vez más tiempo con ellos. Explicamos la obligación de ser humildes y bondadosos y a no ser injustos con nadie. La religión te enseña a ser buena persona, a ayudar a los demás, a dar sentido a la caridad y ese tipo de cuestiones. Mostramos la religión que te enseña el verdadero camino para convertirte en una buena persona.

        El hinduismo ha despertado el interés por la religión de muchas personas, ¿a qué se debe?

        El hinduismo te enseña que todos somos iguales, no importa que seas cristiano, hindú o hebreo, cada religión tiene una imagen de Dios. Pero el hecho de que seas hindú no quiere decir que estés más cercano a Dios que quienes tienen otra religión. Las personas están ahora más interesadas en una religión como el hinduismo por su defensa de la igualdad.

        ¿Qué otros lugares ha visitado recientemente en España?

        Hemos estado en muchos sitios, como Tenerife, Las Palmas, Madrid, Málaga, todos los sitios donde tenemos devotos que nos siguen. Nos quieren tanto que siempre buscamos aunque sean dos días para estar con ellos.

        ¿Qué consideración le merece la comunidad hindú ceutí?
        Estamos muy contentos y agradecidos de visitar por primera vez este templo. Gracias a este templo, la comunidad ceutí y la gente que quiera participar puede conservar esta religión para que nuestra cultura, lengua y costumbres no se pierdan. Es una gran satisfacción poder atender a toda la comunidad dando consejos espirituales. Demuestran que en la comunidad hindú de Ceuta hay mucha fe.

        En su religión los colores están cargados de significado, ¿por qué va vestido de naranja?
        Significa que ya he entregado mi vida a Dios y no podré conciliar mi vida como swari con la vida familiar. El color blanco significa lo contrario.


        Los extractos del Bhagvad Gita, recitados por Swami Bhagat Prakash, estuvieron acompañados de la música procedente de la "tabla", el "harmonium" y el "dhol". Los ritmos de los dioses, interpretando numerosos cánticos que pronto fueron acompañados por el público a través de su voz y palmas.

        Tina Dhanwani, vicesecretaria del comité del templo hindú, realizó un repaso a las deidades alojadas en el altar que preside el nuevo templo. "Aquí se encuentran Ram, su hermano Lakshman y su mujer Sita, a quienes acompaña Hanuman-Mono, servidor de Ram que adquirió la misma importancia que su señor y fue bendecido con que existan más templos de él que de Ram", explicó.

        Junto a ellos se encuentra el célebre Ganesha, el dios con cabeza de elefante, que también flanquea el templo en un retablo con pedrería; la diosa de la Fortuna también ocupa un espacio central en el altar. "Tras el swami se encuentran Krishna y su mujer Laxmi", señaló Dhnawani, mientras la gente acudía a ser bendecida por este hombre santo.

"Paz, convivencia y respeto por todas las posturas"

Tina Dhanwani, vicesecretaria del comité del templo hindú, explicó ayer la filosofía de la orden Teuram correspondiente al hinduismo de los sindhi, procedentes de la región de Mohan-Jo-Daro, "la cuna de la civilización más antigua", se adelantó a añadir Swami Bhagat Prakash. Gran parte de la comunidad hindú no quiso perder la oportunidad de recibir los consejos espirituales de este guía que visitará la ciudad dentro de dos años y acudió ayer a su nuevo templo.


        Swamiji, following instructions from our elders, many times without any explanation, we don’t understand many important things for today’s society: What is the significance of throwing the pooja’s things into the sea, knowing that we may contaminate it and attract the attention or ire of the coast guard? Which things should really go into the sea, and which ones shouldn’t? Out of ignorance we put into the sea anything, but maybe this is wrong.

        All the remains that are left after performing a pooja should be offered to the sea, because they are offerings that shouldn’t be put away at any place. Feet shouldn’t touch these offerings and we offer them to the sea because the God of water (Jal Devta) is the only one who deserves to receive them. The sea is immense and doesn’t get contaminated with the remains of a Pooja. The other option would be to make a fire, but that’s not something that can be done daily.

        Swamiji, what meaning does the “Japa Mala” have? Is it necessary to do Naam with this spiritual instrument?

        The mala is a way to chant the Naam (Sacred Name), it’s an instrument to control our mind and fix it in the jaap (chanting). The mala is a rosary that consists of 108 beads that help us know we have repeated our naam 108 times. But it’s not necessary to use the mala if we find it easy to concentrate.

        Swamiji, can you explain to us the meaning of the thali and the dhiyo?

        The Light of the dhiyo represents the splendour of God. That’s the reason of using a thali with a dhiyo to offer a pooja.

        Swamiji, what is the real meaning of Sakhi Shivoham?

        Sakhi means witness. Shivo means God and Ham is I. I am part of God, I am the Witness and I observe all.

         Swamiji, could you explain to us the meaning of bandharo?, why dodo chutney?, does it have any special meaning?

        When we take prasad our mind gets purified and the one who takes the bhandaro with good faith and love will be freed of all illness. The dodo is made of flour of juar, bajri … and that is essential for human nourishment, it helps us strengthen our body. The chatni is made of mint which also benefits our body. Swami Teoonram initiated the prasad of dodo chutney. The one who prepares and takes this prasad will see his wishes accomplished, this is what our Sain said.

        Swamiji, is it correct to experiment with animals to obtain new medicines to save human lives?

        The use of animals in experiments is not correct. There are manuals which can instruct us on how to prepare ayurvedic medicines without harming any living being.

        Swamiji, how should we meditate? How often and for how long?

        All the time dedicated to the Naam will not be enough. We should at least dedicate 30 minutes daily.

        Swamiji, only one God exists, but who is right then, a Hindu who believes in action/cause of karma, or a catholic who believes that reincarnation doesn’t exist?

        Hindu religion is one of the oldest religions; the Being is what reincarnates again. Each human being has his own character, for example, even if there are two brothers in a family, each one has his own character. So we can conclude that each human being is influenced by his actions in his past lives.

        Swamiji, you advise us to follow a vegetarian diet, if a medicine has animal properties, are we doing wrong taking it?

        Taking a medicine for the good of our health doesn’t imply committing a sin.

        Swamiji, why do families get destroyed in wars? Why do they have such a destiny? Is it their karmas? What meaning does the death of a child have?.

        Each human has his own karma. Karma is a very important factor that rules the lives of people. The one who is born has to die. His destiny is written and that destiny is ruled by karma.

        In the life of Swami Teoonram we have read that He used to go from village to village taking with him many people, singing God’s Glories, and on the other hand, during his discourses he stressed the need of sitting in silence and solitude to help prepare our mind for meditation. Why are the two teachings different?.

        Swami Teoonram used to gather people with him so that their mind is attracted and concentrated on God. Being in silence means that the mind is secluded, that despite being in a crowd our mind can be detached from it. Seclusion means having our mind detached from all the worldly distractions.


Close interview to His Holiness Puj Satguru Swami Bhagat Prakash ji Maharaj

(Interviewed by Bhakta Prakash Ratan Mirchandani, person in charge of religious and social matters of the Indian Community in Ceuta)